Coronavirus -COVID2 - Flu Season Thoughts for MRAT members

During this Epidemic it is important to follow government guidelines
  • If you have any symptoms as a practitioner it is important to self isolate immediately if you have a fever or cough
  • Ask all patients to inform you and cancel appointments if they have symptoms
  • Ask patients to wash hands before and after an appointment and do the same yourself

The Following Guidelines are enhanced NHS advice
  • Self Distancing - keep 2m away from everyone where possible
  • Washing you hands regularly, with soap and water for 20secs especially when coming in from outside the house
  • Cough into a tissue and throw away or into the elbow of your sleeve, wash your jumpers/tops regularly
  • Wash all surfaces down regularly
  • Self isolate if you develop symptoms - fever and cough especially if you live on your own inform a family member/friend that you are self isolating